Lavender buds are versatile and can also be used in cooking.
Lavender Buds/Bundles - Dried
Ever wonder what you could use Lavender Buds for?
Household Fresheners:
* Use lavender hemp bags as deodorizer when drying your clothes
* Sprinkle lavender buds on carpet while vacuuming
*Make fresh lavender hot tea in the cold winter months, or choose to make a cold lavender iced tea for the hot summer months
*Lavender Cheesecake-Make sure to stop by The Pub & Restaurant to try our homemade Lavender Cheesecake, made with The Silos Farm Grown Lavender
*Use fresh Lavender for Aromatherapy
*The stems from Lavender bundles can be burned in a fire pit to create a aromatic essence. This is perfect for vacationing outdoors when you need to get away from stressful environments, or even in the backyard of your home while spending time with family.